Monday, April 5, 2010

oh how time flys

Let’s see since my last post in dec. SaraH has turned 2! She has been Very good at being a 2 yr old too. :)

Joe and Anna’s family has come down for a visit and Sarah Loved playing with her cousins Jerome and Evan and helping with baby Sophia. She now thinks that every baby she sees is baby Sophia. :)

It seems as if it were yesterday I took the test and found out I was pregnant and am now realizing that I am half way done with my pregnancy. Most days I don't even feel pregnant so to say the least I am still in shock that baby number 2 is on its way.... When we first asked SaraH if she wanted a little brother or sister she responded " No thank you, I'm fine." she has now come around to telling me just about every time she hugs or kisses the baby that "MY baby, I had it first" :) I just smile and let her know mommy gets the baby for the first 9 months THEN mommy will share the baby" :) we are looking forward to Friday when we hope to find out what we are having....

Easter was fun this year Sarah enjoyed Easter egg hunting (or Easter egg hide n seek) so much that she started to hide and find the eggs on her ... she also got the soccer ball that she has been talking about and wanting for some time now.

We are now looking forward to June when we take our family camping trip...


  1. so did you find out? i'm curious! :)

    p.s. i'm so proud of you. look at you. a mama with her second on the way.

  2. we don't know yet. but hopeing to find out soon!
