Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Change...

We have made a slight change in our home. (For the better in my opinion)

Cloth Diapers!! That's right cloth diapers. We made the change about a week ago and we are LOVING the change. Before we made the big switch we were able to go down to Augusta, GA for the weekend and have a trial period in cloth diapers for SaraH and  a teaching period for me. It was also a great way to be able to try out all of the different kinds of cloth diapers...just to name a few there are about 3 different brands of  china diapers, then there are Fuzzi bunz, Bumkins, Flips, Tweedlebugs, Thirsties and lots more. Not only that but you then have to decided what KIND of diaper fits your family best. Weather it be an all in one diaper or a pocket diaper or a pre-folded diaper. you then have to decide if you want a one -size diaper or if you want sized diapers.  For us we found that the  one -size, pocket diapers fit us best. So we decided to go with the Fuzzi bunz one-size pocket diapers.

So far we have been very pleased with our choice.

As expected our first 24 hours were a learning period.We discovered some new things like you can snap the diapers after they have been used to look like a rolled up used disposable diaper.(we now do this for both the dirty and clean diapers)  It is easier to place the insert inside rather than pre-stuff the diaper and then try to remember which one was double stuffed for nap time/bedtime. We also had the chance to use one as a swim diaper which worked well.  I was surprised to find out how well a wet bag keeps in the stink of stinky diapers.  I also discovered that the wet bags I made can hold up to 6 dirty diapers and a wet swimming suit. 

SaraH has enjoyed being able to pick out what color diaper she wants. She has enjoyed her new diapers so much she will sometimes even do her diaper dance....(look on facebook for the video as I can't seem to get it to upload here)
Overall our first week of cloth diapering has been Great both at home and at work. We are likeing the change and looking forward to cloth diapering baby #2.


  1. It's amazing how cloth diapers have changed since we used them on my brothers so long ago! I hated when mom made me change them. They only had one type and one size and heaven help you if you didn't pin it just right! Ugh!

  2. glad you like them. my friend uses fuzzibuns. did you get to try them out or something at the weekend of learning? i was confused there. i got suggestions from the friends with the twins and tried out thirsties and bumgenius. (don't like thirsties...too much work; quit) so i bought more bumgenius when the baby was 6 months old and started back...and we love it now too (except i cheat and use disposable at night!)
