Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Its been a while....

Although it has been longer than I would like I do have a good excuse... (Matt has been taking the lap top to work with him :) which means I don't have it to blog on)

So where to start... since the last time I blogged we have went from a family of 3 to a family of 4. Matthew Paul Elkins Jr. joined us here on earth on Aug. 18, 2010 he started off weighing only 7.5 lb he is now 4 months old and weighs about 12lb. and we LOVE every bit of him.
Picture from Matthew Jr. Blessing day.

what else has changed? SaraH has begun potty training. (so if you have any suggestions I am very open to them.) she has done well so far. we still do have the occasional days that she doesn't want to use the potty but she also doesn't want to wear a diaper. we do keep a sticker chat (more for me than her... so when she has an accident and I get frustrated I can open the chart and see how many times she has made it ) I am very proud of the  progress she has made.
After my sewing machine overheated while in the middle of a project we decided it be best that I get a new sewing machine :) and so we did some research and found one that I love!!! It is a brother embroidery and sewing SE-400.  I have made more things in the last 2 months than I have in the last 2 years. :) I happily blame the sewing machine :) I also have about 6 more things on my list of things to make before Christmas :)
My new sewing Machine
Here are some things I have made in the last month...
a dress for SaraH
a sleeper for Matthew

a back pack for Lila

a blanket and pillow for Lila

A back pack for Talmadge

Stockings for the Family
did I mention I really like to work on my new sewing machine :)

This year SaraH has gotten into looking forward to things like camping in June, or going to see friends in Augusta. currently she is looking forward to aunt Susan coming on sat. along with other family members who are coming later on in the week. although she is excited to see family she is most looking forward to her birthday and turning 3 :)